Sunday, January 31, 2016

Casper Invite Details

This past weekend, 18 of our team ran the Laramie Area Special Olympic Winter Games.  Everything from measuring the course, timing, sweeping and if needed competing with and athlete was done by members of the LJHS Nordic Team.  This was the smoothest run games that I have been associated with in years.  Skiers, parents, Coach (Me) and LJHS should be really proud of this.  One State Official that came to observe the games, asked me if I could bring the same batch of volunteers to Cheyenne this Spring to help with their area games!  Well done all!

This week for practice:  Monday -Thursday we ski.  CLASSIC ALL WEEK
Friday is a wax day at the LJHS Ski Barn.  All who intend on skiing at Casper on Saturday need to come and work on their skis.  Pick up time 5PM or as soon as you are done.

3.5KM Classic
February 6, 2016 (Saturday)
7:15AM Load the Bus
7:30AM Leave for Casper
Stop at the Rest Area outside Medicine Bow for a break and breakfast
Noon Start
Head home after the race
We will stop and let you buy a snack!
Predicted time home 6PM if not sooner and roads are good.
I am signing all the team up! Everyone can ski this!  Please let me know if you will not be there!

Search the web for Casper Mountain Trail Center for detailed directions

Things to bring: Come dressed to ski, boots, skis, poles, warm jacket, hat, gloves, warm pants if wearing tights, lunch, water, clothes for the ride home, street shoes, things to keep you busy on the bus, no more than 5$ for snacks, blanket, pillow.

Like Last meet we need food donations for a healthy breakfast.
Bagels, cream cheese, yogurt sticks, fruit, juices etc.  If you can help let Coach Hamann Know 760-2797 (text) or

 Team Yoga

Sunday, January 24, 2016

January 25-30, 2016

This week January 25-29,   Monday thru Thursday we ski.
 Monday/Tuesday Skate Skis
Wednesday/Thursday Classic (Coach Hamann's Personal Favorite)
Friday:Optional Practice Yoga with Coach Brown at LJHS  Pick up at 5PM

January 30, 2016  is a listed team event.  It will not happen as planned.  
Instead it is Laramie Special Olympic Time Trials!

Laramie Special Olympic Team consisting of 18 athletes competing in Snowshoe and Nordic Skiing will be competing to get times for  their Winter State Games.

I have asked the LJHS team to help with this event.  We will, time, officiate, ski or run next to athletes.  

This is totally optional.  It is a great way to give back to the community.

Any LJHS Team member is welcome to help.  Payment will be a free victory lunch at Boomers BBQ with the team after the time trial.

Bus leaves at 8:45  we should be finished with lunch at 1PM
Dress warm.  Parents if you want to help you are welcome!

Let Coach Hamann know.  (I have to order lunches!)

Next race in Casper on February 4, 2016

If you missed it. Here is an article that came out in the Boomerang. A coach is only a coach if there is a team.  

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Lander Invitational was a huge success!  Parents and skiers you should be very proud.  The results were posted on the High Plains website.

Not only were the skiers great racers they showed some real character on the way home.  Bad driving conditions and traffic jams made for very challenging times.  Your young skiers were troopers!  Hopefully all travels from now on are smooth sailing!

Please thank the Transportation Department for ACSD1.  As soon as contact was made and our situation was known there were plans being made here in Laramie to get our team home safe.

A Few Words On Waxing
 We hot wax before competitions for a few reasons. 1) To smooth out the minor  scratches we might have put in our skis during practice. Capture the Flag can be brutal to skis as well as coaches! 2) Wax is temperature and snow characteristic variable. We are making our skis ready for the conditions we  probably will encounter on the trails. 3) Skis dry with use and need to be taken care of. 4) There is real pride in taking care of our own equipment.

It is truly the skiers choice to hot wax.  All skis can benefit even those labeled non wax.  Races are won or lost in upper level competitions because of ski wax.  If you want a faster ski come and wax!

Next event : January 30, 2016 at Happy Jack
Special Olympic Area Games
9AM to Noon

Laramie is hosting Area Games for Special Olympics.  This includes many distances in Nordic Skiing and Snow Shoeing.

Coach Hamann has offered up the LJHS Nordic Team as race officials.   It is up to us to run the races! We will need timers, course marshals, and volunteers to be on the course to point directions and cheer. These things any member of the team can do.

This is not a ski event for our team but a chance to give back to the community some of what we have learned this year. I will be asking for LJHS skiers to sigh up to help. Parents are welcome to volunteer also.
Those that do help out will end the morning a Boomers BBQ for Lunch!

LJHS Nordic will be represented by 3 team members.  


Practice this week  Jan 18-22
No Practice Monday (No School)

Tuesday thru Friday we ski.  Skiers Choice for skis

We are missing a Black Fischer ski bag
Tied down at the top and has a red key lanyard on the handle.
Inside 2 pair of shorter skis (167cm)

If found please bring to school.

This bag was probably taken home by mistake. 

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Lander Invite Details

WOW! We had a great time this Saturday with the Pole Mountain Shuffle. You will not encounter another race like this.   We have skiers! I hope that all had fun and got some competition jitters out of the way!  Congratulations Heidi Schroeder you were the fastest skier of the day.

Here is the information for the race in Lander this Saturday (1-16-16)

All skiers from either team are invited to travel and compete! I am entering everybody, Please let Coach Hamann know of any skier not going.

Parents please get on Power School and check your child's grades.  If he/she is failing any class he/she may not go to the race.  (School policy)  Grades have to be up by Wednesday.  Teachers must sign off on this!

January 11 to 16- 2016
Monday thru Thursday Skiers choice for skis at practice.  Monday and Wednesday we will concentrate on skating.
Friday (1-15-16) Wax skis for Lander Race.  Only those competing at Lander need to come and slick up their skis!  Pick up at 5PM or earlier.

Lander Invitational, 3.5KM Freestyle
Saturday, January 16, 2106
6AM Load the Bus/ Travel to Lander
12:00 Noon Race starts
Predicted time home 5-6PM (We will have kids call as we leave Rawlins)

Load the bus dressed to race.  Wear your colors if you have them!
Other things to bring:  Skis, Boots, Poles, Warm Jacket, Gloves, Hat, Water bottle, Warm pants to wear over tights if not wearing snow pants. Lunch, Snack, Drink (No Soda), Comfortable clothes to ride home, street shoes.   Something to keep you busy during the bus ride, (Homework, books, Ipad, Earphones. Etc.)  Maybe a blanket or pillow.

Money for snacks (no more than $5). We will stop at a truck stop on the way home and allow you to buy a snack.  
The race venue is at BEAVER CREEK NORDIC SKI AREA- Located South on Wyoming Highway 28 at mile post 51.5, where the highway crosses Beaver Creek.   The start is a ½ mile hike/ski from the parking lot.  Spectators dress for the weather, there is no warming hut.
*****All team skiers form either team are welcome to participate (You must have 10 practices and be passing all your classes at school.) ****

We would like to provide the skiers with a healthy breakfast/Brunch. We need your help to do this.  Donations of food for breakfast would be greatly appreciated. 

 Breakfast Burritos, Bagels, Cream Cheese, Cheese sticks, Fruit, Yogurt sticks, Granola bars, Juice etc.   NOTHING WITH PEANUT BUTTER!
There are 60 skiers 5 coaches. 

Please let Coach Hamann (chamann63@gmail, text 760-2797) know if you can help.

Anybody willing to organize food for out other meets would be greatly appreciated!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Pole Mountain Shuffle Information

1-4-16 to 1-9-16
Monday/Tuesday-  Classic Ski
Wednesday- Skate ski
Thursday- Skiers choice (Skate if you have them)
Friday- Ski prep day for all skiers.   Meet in the Equipment shed.  Pick up by 5PM

Saturday 10-9-16 Pole Mountain Shuffle  @ Happy Jack
Freestyle 2.5ish  -------Skier’s choice for skis
10AM  Load the bus at LJHS
12:00 -12:30PM Race Start (depending on the finish of the early morning events.)
Predicted time back to LJHS 2:30PM
This race is for all LJHS skiers no matter what team you ski on! It is considered a practice and all can participate no matter how many practices you might have.  This truly a fun event to start our race season!

Things to bring to a race:  Dress in team colors, (we will check out jerseys on Friday) warm jacket to wear before and after the race, water, snack, hat, gloves, skis, boots and poles.

Parents please come and watch or ski the morning race and stay to watch.  If you can we need your help, on the course or timing. Let Coach Hamann know if you can help.

The start of the race is about ½ mile from the parking lot.  Spectators you can hike or ski in.  Dress for the weather.  Parking ($5 or a season permit) is limited.  

January 16, 2105 Lander  -- Anybody with 10 practices may compete.  More info to come next week.

 Week 7 Can you believe it? This is our last week of  ski season. We travel to Lander (South Pass) for our last meet of the year this Saturd...