Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Mind Bender
This week: December 26, 2018 to January 5, 2109
Thursday, December 27, 2018--- Practice for those who want to come. Bus loads at 9AM at LMS, back by Noon. Skiers choice of skis.
Friday, December 29, 2018--- Practice for those who want to come. Bus loads at 9AM at LMS, back by Noon. Skiers Choice for skis.
Friday, January 4, 2019 --- 9AM to 11:00AM wax room open for those who need to wax before the Mind Bender.
Saturday, January 5, 2109---MIND BENDER SKI EVENT-- Bus loads at 10AM home around 2PM.
This is an entire team event. Beginner to advanced. You do not need your full 10 practices to participate. We expect the entire team to come and participate. Let Coach Hamann know if you will NOT be there. Entries will be done by Jan. 3, 2019.
*Bring both sets of skis if you have them. (Names on all equipment)
* Snack and water. Or lunch and water.
*Warm jacket to wear before and after the race.
*Backpack to carry your stuff in.
The start is about 1/2 mile from the parking lot. Parents you are welcome to walk on the side of the trails to the start/finish. Please stay out of groomed tracks.
There is always a need for parental help. Parents are welcome to ride the bus and avoid the parking lot traffic jam at Tie City.
Typo and change of date for Cowboy State Games
Should be: Saturday, February 9, 2019 Not Friday, February 8, 2019
All other info is correct.
Thursday, December 13, 2018
Week of December 17
-22, 2018
We start practice at Happy Jack.
This week classic skiing! (Coach Hamann’s favorite thing in
the whole world!)
Monday Thru Thursday
the bus leaves LMS at 3:20PM. Be ready and waiting at the Bus Loading zone
by the modular class rooms. We aim to be home at 5:30PM Pick up is the same place.
Friday: Both teams Practice at LMS : Finished at 5PM
Please see the attached list of how the teams have been
It is really important that you
let a coach know if you will miss a practice.
We need to know who is going to
be on that bus every day.
Practises thru the break.
We have three ski dates during the break. These do count toward your 10 needed for
competition at the same time we understand you might have other plans and
cannot make these.
Any parent wanting to join us or help out would be greatly
appreciated as coaching staff will be
Saturday December 22, 2108
Thursday, December 27, 2018
Saturday, December 29, 2018
Transportation is provided.
The Bus Loads from LMS at 9AM .
We will be home at Noon. Every time!
Mind Bender—Challenge
January 5, 2018
Start time: Noon Sharp
Bus leaves LMS at 10:00AM-
Home around 2PM
This race is for the entire team. Please plan on being there. You do not need 10 practises to
We are looking for 10 devious
minded parents who can help us man
stations on the course. (Let coach Hamann
Keep In Touch
Face Book: Scout Nordic
Remind APP for your phone:
Class to look up is LMSNO
Blog at
Coach Hamann : 307-760-2797
Team Assignments:
Black team Tuesday/Thursday/Friday
Orange team Monday/Wednesday/Friday
Changes can be made. Contact Coach Hamann
Last Name | First Name | Grade | Team |
Anderson | Danica | 6 | Black |
Atencio | Bobby | 6 | Black |
Austin | Snowberger | 6 | Black |
Avalos | Christin | 7 | Black |
Boyer | Kaiser | 6 | Black |
Cabrera | Brian | 7 | Black |
Campbell | Annlyn | 8 | Black |
Core | Avery | 7 | Black |
Cox | Jackson | 6 | Black |
Dragojevic | Zadyn | 7 | Black |
Eliason | David | 8 | Orange |
Field | Nadia | 6 | Black |
Gill | Alyssa | 6 | Black |
Gill | Madison | 6 | Black |
Gonzales | James | 8 | Black |
Hawkins | Dalley | 7 | Black |
Homer | Zeren | 7 | Black |
Hurt | Gwen | 8 | Black |
Jenkins | Taylor | 7 | Black |
Jimerson | Jayce | 8 | Black |
Keen | Annika | 6 | Black |
Maki | Elijah | 6 | Black |
Matlock | Marley | 7 | Black |
Moore | Morgan | 7 | Black |
Mukai | Anna | 7 | Black |
Nunnaley | Terry | 6 | Black |
Ortega-Leyba | Antonio | 6 | Black |
Peterson | Hannah | 6 | Black |
Piri | Selma | 6 | Black |
Ray | James | 8 | Black |
Rose | Nicholas | 6 | Black |
Sailer | Marek | 7 | Black |
Schieicher | Alaric | 7 | Black |
Selliah | Mariana | 6 | Black |
Siuda | Emily | 8 | Black |
Thomas | Chloe | 8 | Black |
Ward | Dennis | 6 | Black |
Watkins | Anna | 8 | Black |
Watkins | Anna | 8 | Black |
Weisman | Andrew | 6 | Black |
Williams | Heather | 7 | Black |
Yeigh | Jackson | 7 | Black |
Bohlender | Donavan | 6 | Orange |
Baker | Gavin | 8 | Orange |
Bluemel | Colby | 7 | Orange |
Branch | Mason | 8 | Orange |
Brand | Laura | 7 | Orange |
Bredehoft | Caroline | 6 | Orange |
Campbell | David | 7 | Orange |
Canen | Noah | 8 | Orange |
Conklin | Saywer | 7 | Orange |
Coulter | Eli | 6 | Orange |
Dealyn | Robinson | 6 | Orange |
Dennis | Ryan | 7 | Orange |
Dickison | Donavan | 6 | Orange |
Fay | Eliza | 7 | Orange |
Field | Max | 7 | Orange |
Frude | Fisher | 6 | Orange |
Gelwicks | Morgan | Orange | |
Gosar | Jacob | 6 | Orange |
Gray | Emmit | 8 | Orange |
Greenwald | Ian | 8 | Orange |
Hennen | David | 8 | Orange |
Hines | Rpbyn | 6 | Orange |
Kaiser | Sam | 7 | Orange |
Kaligis | Cooper | 8 | Orange |
Kinghorn | Kayden | 7 | Orange |
Klinger | Cooper | 8 | Orange |
Kricken | Amanda | 6 | Orange |
Lewis | Drake | 6 | Orange |
McIrvin | Kathryn | 8 | Orange |
Moore | Gideon | 6 | Orange |
Nicholson | Henry | 7 | Orange |
Oler | Jonathon | 6 | Orange |
Perez | Fabio | 6 | Orange |
Pikal | Matthew | 7 | Orange |
Pikal | Michael | 8 | Orange |
Quillian | Austin | 8 | Orange |
Robinson | Quinn | 7 | Orange |
Rose | John | 8 | Orange |
Rucinski | Jeremy | 8 | Orange |
Rucinski | kelton | 8 | Orange |
Schnieder | Madeline | 6 | Orange |
Siniki | Cameron | 8 | Orange |
Sliger | Michael | 6 | Orange |
Sommerfield | Colleen | 7 | Orange |
Soule | Nathan | 7 | Orange |
Voos | Jack | 6 | Orange |
Woelk | Wolf | 6 | Orange |
Shuman | Eleneaor | 6 | Orange |
Kricken | Cole | 7 | Orange |
Monday, November 26, 2018
Welcome to the 2018-19 Scout Nordic Team!
Welcome to the 2018-19 Scout Nordic team. I hope you are ready for a great season! We have snow on the trails!
If you missed the parent meeting on November 29, 2018 (5:30pm in the LMS Cafeteria) here is the info that was handed out.
Laramie Middle School Nordic Team 2019
If you missed the parent meeting on November 29, 2018 (5:30pm in the LMS Cafeteria) here is the info that was handed out.
Laramie Middle School Nordic Team 2019
Chris Hamann
307.760.2797 (Text if possible)
Joel Kropf
Michelle Petty
Goals for the season:
Understanding that every
skier starts the season at their own unique ability level, every skier will: 1)
Grow in ski techniques, 2) obtain a working knowledge of training and racing,
3) maintain their own equipment, 4) be a contributing member of the Scout
Nordic Team.
Equipment needs:
Nordic skis, boots, poles
Must have classic skis, may
have both classic and skate skis
Skis can be rented at
Base Camp down town.
Clothing Needs:
Just like for any other sport,
dressing out for skiing is expected. Be
ready for the bus with ski clothes on.
(Wind or snow pants, warm shirt, jacket, hat, gloves, wool or warmer
socks in boots.) Jeans will NOT be allowed.
They do not allow for movement and are cold.
Team shirts will be provided
for races.
ACSD 1 Requirements
These forms must be on file
before your skiers first practice:
Sports Physical
(Need only one a year)
Code of Conduct
3) On Line registration complete
Home School
Athletes please check with Miss Martin at the front desk. She may need more from you.
You must be passing all your
classes to participate in a meet.
Team Composition
Because of the large total
numbers of skiers, limited coaching and transportation we divide the team into
two equal teams.
Orange Team:
Practice dates Monday, Wednesday and Friday
This team will focus on race techniques,
and race training. It is for the more advanced skier.
Black Team: Practice dates Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
on beginner skier or recreational skier who does not want to race but wants to
learn to ski.
All skiers may participate in meets
after meeting the statewide 10 practice rule.
Thursday practice times: 3:20 -5:30PM
to Happy Jack Ski Trails)
Be dressed and ready to load at
modular classrooms by 3:20PM. This means clothes changed, skis in hand. Home to the same place at 5:30PM.
for both teams: 3:20 to 5PM (Scout Field,
LMS weight room
Conditioning, stretching, ski wax
week of practice will be held at LJHS at Scout Park. (Meet in the Cafeteria, 3::20
PM to 5:PM) Dress to be outside.
Music students: You may have conflicts
with practice and concerts. GO TO YOUR
CONCERT! Stay home from practice that day.
Choir, Band, Orchestra are graded classes, sports of any kind are
Race Schedule:
5, 2019 ---Mind Bender – Happy Jack
12, 1019—Lander (3.5KM Classic)
26, 2019—Laramie (3.5KM Classic)
8, 2018—Cowboy State Games, Casper (3.5KM Freestyle)
16, 2018—Middle School Championships (3.5KM Freestyle)
Stay Connected:
December 10-14 Outline
December 10-14 Outline
Monday, December 10 - Dress for inside workout (Shorts, gym shoes, t-shirts) No ski equipment necessary
Tuesday, December 11- Need Poles, dress to be outside but moving
Wednesday, December 12- Need poles, dress to be outside
Thursday, December 13-- Need all equipment, dress to be outside
Friday, December 14-- Need all equipment, dress to be outside
* ALL practices this week will be in town*
**If we get a bunch of snow in town, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday we will be skiing in the park! Monday/Wednesday we will be inside**
***Practices this week will be over at 5PM! Please pick up your skier in back by the tennis courts)***
Sunday, February 11, 2018
Final Week of this Season
LMS should be very proud of it's Nordic Team. We skied hard, were great sports and represented our school very well this past week.
Skiers choice
for skis
choice for skis
Classic Ski
for Lander
End of
Season Banquet
Middle School Nordic Championships
Lander, WY
End of Season Banquet (Pot Luck)
February 16, 2108 (This is the official date)
5:30PM after
practice to 7PM
Please watch for a google doc to sign up on or bring a dish to share. This is what it says. Families are invited. Come celebrate your children and this
accomplishment of surviving this team!
Grade Families bring a main dish to share
Grade Families bring a side dish to share
Grade families bring a dessert to share
Coaches will
provide paper products and drinks
Middle School Championship
Venue: Beaver
Creek Nordic Trails (On South Pass)
Distance/Technique: 3.25 KM Classic
Start Time:
LMS will be
providing Lunch! We will take a detour
into town and buy sub sandwiches after the meet. If you
need specialized food, please bring your own.
Friday after
waxing we will be cleaning the wax barn, tearing down our home for the past few
months and packing up our gear to store until next year. You need to take all your gear home!
Cross Country Connection Ski rental
due date March 30, 2018!
Sunday, February 4, 2018
February 5-10, 2018
Mind Bender 4KM Start |
Game Day
Classic Skis
Classic Skis
Classic skis
Classic skis
Required for those going to Lander. |
Classic Meet
These last 2 weeks come when you can. Everyday if you want. We have 8 on snow days left. Plan for a crowded bus. We will be practicing classic
skiing all week. If you show up on skate
skis you will wax them for classic skiing.
The Mind Bender was a huge
success! Thank you to all who skied,
dressed up and volunteered. I had some
questions as to why we do this event? It is my opinion we take sports a bit to
serious very early in life. This event
gives us a bit if freedom to let our hair down, have fun and still be a team.
It gave us some excitement for this weekend, the two weeks without a meet in
the middle of the season gets very long and trying. Plus, the prizes are nice.
Again, meets are optional. With all the hard work of the season under us,
I would hope all skiers would compete.
February 10, 2018 –Lander
Bus loads at 6:30AM
Home around 6PM
Race Start no sooner than
Either Beaver Creek Nordic Trails
(On South Pass) or in town at the Golf Course.
We will ski the same venue as the
High School (NRL) Races.
Please let me know if Middle
Skiers are Traveling with family instead of the bus.
You must come to 3 days of practices this week to be on the race roster.
February 16, 2018
Team Banquet—family potluck
5:30PM --LMS Cafeteria
Is there someone who might take
this on and be team parent in the cafeteria for the evening?
February 17, 2018---Middle School Championships ---Lander
We will take the entire
team. No qualifying times needed to ski.
Both races to Lander require a
long day of travel. Just like going to
Casper, I would like to provide a healthy snack or small breakfast for the
team. This way we know team members have quality
calories in their system for racing.
Donations of Bagels and Cream Cheese, yogurt sticks, granola bars, juice
would be appreciated. Plan to serve 30.
Let Coach Hamann Know if you can help
Saturday, January 27, 2018
Pole Mountain Mind Bender
![]() |
Proof Coach Hamann does something at a race. Notice the clowns in the background. |
6th and 8th
Classic Ski
Classic Ski
6th and 8th
In Town Ski wax and stretching.
Pole Mountain Mind Bender!
All Team Members
encouraged to participate!
A big thank you to all who helped with Special Olympics. We have three Special Athletes on our
team. They came home with the
hardware! Parents, you should be proud
of your kids, they times, cheered, escorted and really helped make the event go
smooth. Way to go!
I just realized we have only 3 weeks left in the
season. They are going to be very
busy. We have something every
weekend. Practises are going to be a bit
more demanding. Plan to be pushed out of
your normal. Get on the bus ready to ski, ready to work, ready to make
yourselves a better skier.
Turn in your training
logs… We pay in stickers!!!
I have had skiers tell me they are not going to race because
they are slow and won’t do well. Let me
tell you my perspective on races. We say
as part of this team races are optional.
At the same time, we want you to stretch yourself, and race. If you push yourself, give the race your personal
best and cross the finish line—you are a winner. Those top 10 skiers who may get a ribbon,
they may be faster than you, but they skied the same course, the same distance
and we expect the same commitment from them. Try your best, finish, be a good sport.
The races we have left we will be skiing with teams from all
over the state. I can guarantee skiers
of all abilities will be there.
Instead of a mandatory Friday
Practice this week. The team will participate in the 3rd annual Pole
Mountain Mind Bender. This is a “race”
like no other. Events and distances for
all abilities, family members of all ages are invited enter. All
who ski will get a finisher prize. We
will crown the King and Queen of each distance as well.
We need help with this event.
4 timers
2 Before race registration
(10:30 to 11:30)
10 people with devious minds
to man stations out on the course. Must
be able to walk or ski.
1 first aid ski patrol
Like last time we will have a
short volunteer meeting Friday 2-2-18 at 5:00 right after practice.
This is a great event to have
fun. We have 2 tough weeks of racing
after this.
February 3, 2018** Mind Bender--
Buses load at 10:30 AM home around 2:30PM
February 10, 2018 ** Lander
--- Beaver Creek Nordic Center.
February 16, 2108 ** End
of Season Pot Luck 5:30PM LJHS
(Wanted: person(s) to plan this
February 17, 2108** Lander –Golf Course
Sunday, January 21, 2018
January 22-26, 2018
8th and 6th
Ski –
7th and Special
8th ad 6th
Ski –
7th and Special
Day Off for all
No Practice.
Olympics for volunteers and athletes!
Noon to 3:30PM
(see blog for more info)

![]() |
A huge thank you to Medicine Bow Nordic Association! Randy and Dan the trail groomers, assisted by Coach Eric Dye and Coach Ginger Shenefelt, molded the course into the safe snow covered course we had.
This is the link to the results:
We have 2 home events in the near future.
Special Olympics
January 26, 2018 (Friday)
Bus Pick up at noon
Home by 3:30PM
This is a time for our team to give a little to others.
We are in charge of running the Area Games for Laramie Area Athletes.
Middle school Skiers will be setting up the Venue. Measuring distances, timing, cheering, potentially racing with or against Special Athletes. In general doing what is needed to help our Special Area athletes get times to qualify them to travel to Jackson for their State Games.
This is a volunteer activity offered to 7th or 8th grade skiers only! Please contact Coach Hamann ( if you would like to help out. Deadline Wednesday 1-24-18
Laramie Middle School does not support Special Olympics as a School Activity. Therefore this afternoon is not an excused absence for a sport team. You will have to pre arrange this absence.
(PS I think it is worth the paperwork and extra homework!)
Coach Hamann will buy LMS team members Pizza for lunch. You bring a drink.
February 3, 2108
Pole Mountain Mind Bender-A Challenge Race
Start Time Noon
This is our last home event! We need adult help.
Unlike standing and pointing we need volunteers to be on the course at stations designed to make our skiers think as well as ski, first aid, and timers. (Costumes optional at all stations)
More info on this to come. Please put it on your calendar. It is the event that the team talks about all
T-shirt orders
We are ordering team shirts that you can buy. An order form was sent out last week. The paper hard copy that the kids brought home Friday is wrong but it will work. Same price, same sizing the shirts will say Laramie Middle School. Not LJHS. Please have all orders in by Wednesday.
We have more skiers than team shirts that can be checked out. If you would like to order an extra shirt to donate as a team uniform, we would be very grateful (Kids large, Adult Small or Medium)
Sunday, January 7, 2018
January 8-13, 2108 Casper Race
6th/8Th grade
Skiers choice for skis
7th and Special Skiers
Skiers Choice for skis
6th/8th grade
Skiers choice for skis
7th and Special Skiers
Skiers choice for skis
for all going to Casper!
In town, ski prep day, What to Expect
on Race Day Talk. Hand out team shirts.
Those not going to Casper have the day
Casper Invite
Load bus at 7:45 Bus leaves LMS at 8.
See blog for details
Here we
go. First week to compete. Again, all competitions are optional. We know some of you are just figuring out how
to ski and the thought of racing is a bit over the top right now.
If you have
not done so let Coach Hamann know if you are going to the race. Deadline is Tuesday at practice.
A bit about
ski prep. All teams do it. The better
shape your skis are in the better they work for you. Thus, keeping them waxed and in tune makes them
easier to ski on. Race day prep is a
bit different than just slopping on some wax.
We will try to wax for the weather and conditions, get our skis as fine tuned as possible, make sure our bindings are not
broken, and go over all our equipment to make sure we have no surprises in
Casper. This time is just as important as skiing.
Casper Invite
7:45 AM Load the Bus
8:00 AM Bus leaves with whoever is on it
11:00 AM Arrive at Casper Mountain Nordic Trails. (On top of Casper Mountain) The start/finish
is short hike from the lodge.
11:30AM- 12:30PM Race day wax for those on Classic Skis. Preview the course, warm up, get
numbers. Last minute instructions.
1PM Race Starts
3:00PM or after awards, Load Buses
6:00 PM Home.
Things to bring:
boots, poles
*Hat, gloves
*Dress to
ski – or easily get ready to ski
PSA on race day clothes:
Wear your team shirt from last year or get a team shirt. Under this wear a first layer (Under Armor or
wicking). For bottoms—first a wicking
layer, then fire tights or spandex or non-cotton basketball type pants, Snow
pants if you fall a lot. When racing you
are working hard and will be warmer than normal.
*Warm jacket
for before and after the race. Warm pants if you race in spandex. We will make a team camp to leave warm clothes
in while you race.
*Dry, comfy
clothes to travel home
healthy snacks (Please no peanut butter or peanuts, we have kids with
bottle, drinks (No Soda)
games, tablet to keep busy on the bus for the ride, etc.
*Money to buy a snack after the meet on the way home (Keep this
reasonable, We coaches are not responsible for lost money.) We will stop
somewhere, usually a gas station.
Past years parents have provided breakfast or snacks for race day for the kids. Thus, ensuring a healthy option for food. This trip we would appreciate snack items to be eaten before the race.
If you can help,
we thank you. Provide enough for 20
team members. We will travel with 60
Here is a
list for this race.
Juice boxes
Granola bars
Yogurt sticks
1. _______________2______________3_______________
Coach Hamann
has Fire Tights available for 25$ each.
(She makes no money on the tights and is not working for the company
that makes them.) Let her know if you
would like to purchase a pair.
Team shirts
will be available for order next week.
Parents please have a short talk with your children who are traveling. We represent not only ourselves but our families and Laramie Middle School every place we are seen. Coaches, officials and other team athletes make their opinions of our school based on our behavior. Lets represent Laramie Middle School, our families and the Sport of Nordic Skiing well.
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Week 7 Can you believe it? This is our last week of ski season. We travel to Lander (South Pass) for our last meet of the year this Saturd...
We finally got to Happy Jack and skied last week. Snow conditions are still minimal at best even with this new snow recently. It makes my...
Week 7 Can you believe it? This is our last week of ski season. We travel to Lander (South Pass) for our last meet of the year this Saturd...
News Flash! Pole Mountain Shuffle was invaded by costume wearing Middle School Nordic skiers. The 2022 Pole Mountain Shuffle will go down ...