Monday, January 28, 2019

January 28- February 1

WOW! Skiers and parents should be proud.  We represented  our school and   team at Special Olympics. Then skied our hearts out in the cold at the Middle School Invite. 

This week we rest up a bit.  No traveling or racing on Saturday!
Monday through Thursday, practice is at Happy Jack.  Skate skis if you have them.
Friday Practice is at LMS-  Game Day in Scout Field.  You need skis and outdoor clothes.  We have a few skiers that need their skis scraped and waxed for skating.  As always this practice id over at 5PM

Next Week:
Saturday, February 9, 2019   COWBOY STATE GAMES 
Venue is at the CMBC Biathalon course.  This is a new place for us!
Time change for the event--- Our start time is at 3PM 
      This means leaving Laramie at a decent time but getting home late.
Please watch for more information.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Hold on this is going to be a busy week. 

Monday 1-21-19  NO SCHOOL –NO PRACTICE
Tuesday 1-22-19 to Thursday 1-24-19  Practice as usual.  Classic Skis
Friday 1-25-19  Laramie Area Special Olympics (See Specifics below)
Saturday 1-26-19  Laramie Invite (See Description Below)

Special Olympics – Friday 1-25-19
 The LMS Nordic Team has been asked again this year to organize and staff the Special Olympic Games 2019.  LMS skiers will be measuring and setting up the courses, timing, recording, helping athletes get from the bus to the trails, cheering and competing on relay teams.  This is a time to give back to the sport.
This is not a school supported team event.  Meaning you must have a note from home excusing you from school for Friday afternoon.  You must have [rearranged your missed class work.  This has to be done by Thursday 1-24-19
This event is open to any ski team member in 7th or 8th grade. 
Bus loads at 11:00AM—we will be back to LMS by 3PM to wax skis and get ready for the invite on Saturday. 
Coach Hamann will provide Sub Sandwiches for all on the bus.  Bring a drink. 
Laramie Middle School Invite –Saturday 1-26-19
This is our home meet.  All Skiers will be entered!
Bus Loads at 10AM  --Home around 3PM (parents are welcome to ride the bus.)
Bring your race faces, skis and dress in your LMS gear.
Make sure to have a warm jacket, warm pants, hat and gloves
Bring a snack or lunch and money.  Special Olympics will be hosting a bake sale at the meet.
**** In order to ski in this race, you must 1) participate in 2 on hill practices.
***Friday practice before the race.  We will work on our skis. This is a mandatory practice for all.  When your skis are finished if you have a way home you may leave.  We will all be done at 5PM.

Questions, Comments, concerns
Please contact a Coach!

Sunday, January 13, 2019

January 14 to 18, 2019

I am a proud Fire Tight Wearing Coach!  Every skier we took to Lander skied their hardest, cheered for others and conducted themselves in a manner complementing to Laramie Middle School!  We had fast skiers, first time racers and those who did not know it, but could have skied in the short race but did not. It was a great time! Great Day!

January 14-18, 2019 Schedule
Lets switch things up a bit.  Lets skate.  Beginners and all. We need a change and it is time to learn.  If all you have is classic skis, that is OK!  We have plans for you as well!  

Monday-Thursday we ski at Happy Jack.
                                     Friday- Yoga and core at LMS  (I promise minimal running!)

Important Changes:
We as coaches have decided we want more on snow time for all.  We are inviting all skiers to come to practice any and all days of the week.  Monday/Wednesday will focus on training and racing.  Tuesday/Thursday will have a more casual feel.  Please do not feel obligated to come to every practice.  If all you can manage is your original assigned team days, that is great! Come to those.   We understand life is busy with other activities. 

We still only have one bus for practice.  Expect it will be full!


Laramie Invite
January 26, 2019
There will be a planning meeting for this meet.  Wednesday, January 16, 2019 at 5:45 PM  in the LMS Cafeteria.
Any person interested in helping out, PLEASE JOIN US!

There are a bunch of details to go over.
We expect the same number of skiers as the last race in Lander.


Laramie Special Olympics
Scout Nordic has had the opportunity for the past 5 years to host the local Special Olympic Winter Games.  We are going to do it again this year. Our skiers set up the course, time the events, cheer, race with  athletes and make this afternoon great for Special Athletes.  We have 3 on our team that will compete in these games.

Friday, January 25, 2019
Load bus at 11:00AM Home around 3PM (in time to wax skis for the Invite)
Coach Hamann buys pizza lunch for all who get on the bus.
7th and 8th graders only. 

This is not a LMS sponsored event.  You must have parent permission on file in the attendance office and prearrange your missed work.  


Upcoming Events

January 25, 2019-Special Olympics: Happy jack
January 26, 2019-Laramie Invite: Happy Jack
February 9, 2019- Cowboy State Games, Casper: Mountain Biathalon Venue
February 16, 2019- Middle School Championships: Casper Mountain Nordic Trails 


Sunday, January 6, 2019

Lander Middle School Invite

First, thanks to all who helped at the Mind Bender.  It is a great way to break our young racers in to ski meets.  Please thank the Medicine Bow Nordic Association for the grooming and Dan Lewis for all his help with timing, set up and dealing with Coach Hamann.

This weeks practices:
 Monday through Thursday: Classic, Classic, Classic, Classic
Lander is a Classic Race!

If you need to make up practices to get your required 10.  Come every day!

Friday is  required for all going to the meet.  We will be in the wax shed prepping our skis. All skis need to be glide waxed, even so called waxless skis. We will be done by 5PM in order to go to bed early to get up early and leave.  If you are not going to the meet you have the day off!

Coach Hamann will be submitting entries to the race on Tuesday evening (January 8, 2019).  Contact her if you are NOT going to be able to go.

Lander Middle School Nordic Race - January 12, 2019
6:15AM- Load the Bus
6:30AM- Bus leaves with whoever is on it.  Travel to Beaver Creek Ski Trails on South Pass
11AM - Hike to ski trails from parking lot as a team.  Warm Up/Wax
12 Noon – First racer out.  Interval starts.  One at a time . 
2PM Awards- Load the bus
2:30PM Leave for Laramie
6:30PM- 7PM Estimated time home
What to Bring:
*Classic Skis, Boots, Poles
*Warm Jacket, Gloves, Hat
*Get on the bus dressed to ski.  We will go straight to the ski trails. You can take layers off for travel.
*Warm comfy clothes for the trip home.
*Things to do on the bus.  (Books, Markers, I pads, earphones, etc.)
* Large lunch or snacks and a lunch.  (No sodas before the race!!)
*Water bottle
* Money, (we will stop on the way home and allow skiers to buy snacks, there will be concessions at the ski trails.)   Coaches are not responsible for money or loss of money.
How to dress for a meet:
·       Legs -One warm base layer, Fire Tights, warm wind proof pants to wear over all before and after your race. Or base layer and snow pants.
·       Upper body- base layer, LMS jersey (you bought one or we will pass what we have out) another warm layer or warm jacket. 
·       Hat, gloves
 Beaver Creek is very cold and without shelter.  Warm layers are a must! We will make a team camp that warm clothes can be left at while you race. 
We are representing Laramie Middle School, not only at the meet but the entire day.  Please conduct yourselves in ways that reflect well on this school, team, your family and yourself.  
Parents: If you plan to go and can ski.  There is a need for course marshals and help with the race.  If you are interested let Coach Hamann know and I will tell race organizers.

If you have a team shirt that you did not turn in last year.... Please wear it or bring it back to be handed out to other skiers.  

This is a lot of info.  Please do not hesitate to ask questions!

 Week 7 Can you believe it? This is our last week of  ski season. We travel to Lander (South Pass) for our last meet of the year this Saturd...