Monday, November 29, 2021

 Post 1 of the 2021-22 Ski season

Here is the info handed out at the parent/skier meeting.  If you are reading this for the first time it is full of good stuff.  Most important email Coach Hamann with contact info you want added to the Scout Nordic email list.  This will keep you in the know for all things Scout Nordic! Join our Remind Team APP.  This is what will be used for quick team communications like stuck busses or cancelled practices.

We start Practice on December 13, 2021

We will meet in the LMS Cafeteria.  No equipment needed, do dress out to practice in Scout Field.  (Running Shoes, Workout clothes, hat and gloves) 

Tuesday and Wednesday of this first week we will need ski poles only. NO SKIS (Unless there is 6 inches of snow  to ski in the park) Please dress out to run in the park

Thursday  the 16th.  Bring Skis, boots, poles to school as well as running gear.  We will be labeling equipment and learning how to wax, etc.

Friday the 17th   NO PRACTICE

Watch for a few come if you can practice days through out the Winter break.  These are very casual and fun but very beneficial of you are just learning how to ski.  Plus they are in the daylight!

See you on the 13th!    Think Snow!!!

 Laramie Middle School Nordic Team 2021-22




Chris Hamann: 307-760-2797 (text please),

Michelle Petty:

Evan Townsend:



Goals for the season:

Understanding that every skier starts the season at their own unique ability level, every skier will: 1) Grow in ski techniques, 2) obtain a working knowledge of training and racing, 3) maintain their own equipment, 4) be a contributing member of the Scout Nordic Team.


Equipment needs:

Nordic skis, boots, poles

Must have classic skis, may have both classic and skate skis



Clothing Needs:

Just like for any other sport, dressing out for skiing is expected.  Be ready for the bus with ski clothes on. Wind or snow pants, warm shirt, jacket, hat, gloves, wool or warmer socks in boots.) Jeans will NOT be allowed. They do not allow for movement and are cold.



ACSD 1 Requirements

These forms must be on file before your skiers first practice:

1)      Sports Physical (Need only one a year)

2)      Code of Conduct

3)      Complete online registration for ACSD

4)      Home School Athletes please check with athletic secretary. You may need something else.







The more time on snow the better!  

 We understand that Middle School is a busy time and some days a week you might have other commitments.   We require a skier commitment of practice two (2) days and Fridays out of the week.   




Practices Times:

Monday- Thursday practice times: 3:20 -5:30PM 

(Transport to Happy Jack Ski Trails)

              Be dressed and ready to load at modular classrooms by 3:20PM. This means clothes changed, skis in hand.  Home to the same place at 5:30PM. 


Friday:  3:20 to 5PM (Scout Field, conditioning, stretching, ski wax day)


First week of practice will be held at LJHS at Scout Park. (Meet in at the tennis courts, 3:20 PM to 5:PM) Dress to be outside.


Music students: You may have conflicts with practice and concerts.  GO TO YOUR CONCERT! Stay home from practice that day.  Choir, Band, Orchestra are graded classes, sports of any kind are optional.



1)      Optional.  We do not require you race.  If you travel to a race you must participate!

                 Long days but fun. So worth the training and work.

2)      Must have 9 practices

3)      Must be passing all your classes!


Race Schedule:

January 15, 2022 --- Laramie (3.5km Classic)

January 29, 2022—Pole Mountain Shuffle, Laramie

February 5, 2022—Casper (3.5KM Freestyle)

February 12, 2022— Lander, Middle School Championships (3.5KM Freestyle)


Stay Connected:

---Facebook Page: Scout Nordic                

 --- Blog:

---Remind: Scout Nordic 21 (    or  text 81010 text this message @scoutnor)




Parent Information


Parent Name_____________________________________


Phone Numbers_________________________________________


Emails (Included in Mass mailing list)


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 Week 7 Can you believe it? This is our last week of  ski season. We travel to Lander (South Pass) for our last meet of the year this Saturd...