Thursday, January 9, 2014

January 13-18, 2014

Hold on this is going to get busy!

Monday, January 13, 2014
Skate Day
Slow ski the race course
Back to LJHS 5:45PM

Tuesday, January 14, 2014
1/2 team will wax SKATE Skis  in Cafeteria
1/2 team will be in the weight room
There is no bus transportation for this practice.  Please find  your own way to LJHS
Done around 5PM

Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Classic Day
Ski Course, Answer questions about the meet. 
Back to LJHS 5:45PM

Thursday, January 16, 2014
TNT #2
1/2 team wax skis
1/2 Weight room
SOOO if you waxed on Tuesday you are in the weight room, and the other way around. 
No bus transportation to this. Please find your own way to LJHS.

We will assign days to wax and days to workout.  Work out days need workout clothes and running shoes..

We are splitting the team up this way so that we can spend some quality time with our skis and still get a workout in. Both skis and workouts are important.  Plan to come to both if you can! Both will count as team workouts!

Friday, January 17, 2014
Race Day 3K Skate
See previous blog
The bus will pick you up at your schools, you will be dismised with time to get ready. Exact times will be posted  on Monday.  Please dress to ski and be ready to race when you get on the bus. Did I miss a school? I will repeat all this info many times through the week!

Saturday, January 18, 2014
Race Day 5K Classic or 3K Classic (Coaches get to decide your race!)
See Previous blog for info.

The Bus will load from LJHS at 7:45AM 

Entries for the race are being sent in Friday after practice.  If you know you cannot make one or both races tell a coach, email Coach Hamann, text her FB her.  

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