Sunday, November 16, 2014

November Practices.

Monday November 17, 2014   3:20PM  to 4:45PM
     First day if the season

You must have on file by 3:00PM today  your Sports Physical Form filled out on both sides and your $15 participation fee.

Equipment needed:  Outdoor workout clothes.  Hat, gloves etc.  SKI POLES

Practice:  Outside at Scout Field.  Run with ski poles. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014  3:20PM0-4:45PM

Equipment needed:  Classic Skis, boots, poles if you have them.  If not indoor weight room clothes.

Practice: Ski on grass and snow at Scout field.  Introduction to equipment
                Those without skis will be in the weight room.

If the snow melts, we all will be in the weight room.

Friday, November 21. 2014   3:20-4;30PM
Equipment needed: Yoga mat if you have one.  Indoor Yoga clothes.

Practice: Yoga 

Monday, November 24, 2014      3:20-4:45PM
Equipment needed:  Classic ski gear (if snow is still OK at Scout Park), No snow- ski poles and running shoes for outside run.

Practice: Ski on the grass or run with poles

NO PRACTICE THRU THANKSGIVING BREAK.  -You can still workout and fill in entries in your journal! 

All practices will meet in the LJHS Cafeteria and then move to workout areas.

We will start going to Happy Jack, December 1, 2014

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