Sunday, January 7, 2018

January 8-13, 2108 Casper Race

January 8-13, 2018   Casper Race Week

6th/8Th grade

Skiers choice for skis

7th and Special Skiers

Skiers Choice for skis
6th/8th grade

Skiers choice for skis
7th and Special Skiers

Skiers choice for skis
Required for all going to Casper!

In town, ski prep day, What to Expect on Race Day Talk. Hand out team shirts.

Those not going to Casper have the day off.
Casper Invite

Load bus at 7:45 Bus leaves LMS at 8.

See blog for details

Here we go.  First week to compete.  Again, all competitions are optional.  We know some of you are just figuring out how to ski and the thought of racing is a bit over the top right now.

If you have not done so let Coach Hamann know if you are going to the race.  Deadline is Tuesday at practice.

A bit about ski prep.  All teams do it. The better shape your skis are in the better they work for you.  Thus, keeping them waxed and in tune makes them easier to ski on.   Race day prep is a bit different than just slopping on some wax.  We will try to wax for the weather and conditions,  get our skis as fine tuned as possible, make sure our bindings are not broken, and go over all our equipment to make sure we have no surprises in Casper.   This time is just as important as skiing.

Casper Invite
7:45 AM Load the Bus
8:00 AM Bus leaves with whoever is on it
11:00 AM Arrive at Casper Mountain Nordic Trails.  (On top of Casper Mountain) The start/finish is short hike from the lodge.
11:30AM- 12:30PM Race day wax for those on Classic Skis. Preview the course, warm up, get numbers. Last minute instructions. 
1PM Race Starts 
3:00PM or after awards, Load Buses
6:00 PM Home.  

Things to bring:
*Skis, boots, poles
*Hat, gloves
*Dress to ski – or easily get ready to ski
   PSA on race day clothes:  Wear your team shirt from last year or get a team shirt.  Under this wear a first layer (Under Armor or wicking).  For bottoms—first a wicking layer, then fire tights or spandex or non-cotton basketball type pants, Snow pants if you fall a lot.  When racing you are working hard and will be warmer than normal. 
*Warm jacket for before and after the race. Warm pants if you race in spandex.  We will make a team camp to leave warm clothes in while you race.
*Dry, comfy clothes to travel home
*Lunch, healthy snacks (Please no peanut butter or peanuts, we have kids with allergies.)
*Water bottle, drinks (No Soda)
*Books, games, tablet to keep busy on the bus for the ride, etc. 
*Money to buy a snack after the meet on the way home (Keep this reasonable, We coaches are not responsible for lost money.) We will stop somewhere, usually a gas station.

Past years parents have provided breakfast or snacks for race day for the kids. Thus, ensuring a healthy option for food. This trip we would appreciate snack items to be eaten before the race.
If you can help, we thank you.   Provide enough for 20 team members.  We will travel with 60 skiers.
Here is a list for this race.
Juice boxes 1__________________2______________3______________
Granola bars 1________________2_______________3______________
Yogurt sticks 1. _______________2______________3_______________

Coach Hamann has Fire Tights available for 25$ each.  (She makes no money on the tights and is not working for the company that makes them.)  Let her know if you would like to purchase a pair.

Team shirts will be available for order next week.


Parents please have a short talk with your children who are traveling.  We represent not only ourselves but our families and Laramie Middle School every place we are seen.  Coaches, officials and other team athletes make their  opinions of our school based on our behavior.  Lets represent Laramie Middle School, our families and the Sport of Nordic Skiing well. 


  1. We will send 20 juice boxes

  2. We will provide granola bars & cheese sticks. - Tori Kricken (parent of Cole Kricken).

  3. We will send 20 juice boxes--Teri Robinson (parent of Quin and Ronan)

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